遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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Academic Courtyard

The Academic Courtyard is the almost-hidden gem of the Middle and Upper School complex. Situated behind the Korman Family Pavilion, students and visitors alike are shocked that such a vibrant green space is tucked in between the glass and steel buildings. Depending on the time of year, garden beds sprout tomatoes, leafy greens, or sky-high sunflowers. At the rear of the courtyard, an ivy-covered stairwell leads down to the Middle School Green and 艺术 Center entrance.

A home to scientists, 园丁, and nature lovers of all kinds, the Academic Courtyard offers a space for students to study the interactions between plant and animal life, conducting experiments with ladybugs and aphids. The AP Environmental Science class has used the courtyard to study fertilizers and soil as they relate to plant growth, and art students sketch the wide variety of life found tucked below the window eaves.

Middle School Science Teacher Maura Saurman has found a home in the courtyard, and leads a robust team of weed-pullers and aspiring farmers as they tend the fruitful gardens. Their labor is well-rewarded and generously shared with anyone who needs the fixings for a nice salad, and don't pass up the opportunity to try the famous salsa produced by the Middle School Green Ambassadors club!